Our data
Information that brings insight to your business.
Explore our vast database of information about companies and individuals.
Alternative beneficial owner
Alternative beneficial owners for a company based on owner and board member information.
AML registry
The money laundering register contains companies that may be affected by money laundering, defined by the Swedish Companies Registration Office.
Beneficial owner
Beneficial owners are who ultimately owns or controls a company, association or other type of legal entity, or who benefits from someone else acting on their behalf.
Board members
Information about a company's executives such as the board, CEO and auditor.
Company activity
Information about what the company is doing, whether the company has any secondary names, and all the industries in which the company has registered activities.
Company documents
Company related documents such as annual reports, registration certification, meeting minutes, articles of association, by-laws and financial plans.
Company engagements
Easily understand and get a complete overview of a persons board assignments by using SSN.
Company establishments
A company's establishments or geographical workplaces, establishment number (CFAR), workplace name, contact information, postal and delivery address.
Company group structure
information about all companies that are part of a group and its ownership relationships.
Company information
Find general company information about official addresses, VAT, registration, number of employees, tax information etc.
Credit decision
An automatic answer to grant a credit or not, for a company or a person. Often, a well-proven standard template for companies is used. It is possible to get a unique credit template with which parameters and rules that shall be included in the decision.
Financial information
The complete financial statements for a company and their financial history.
Legal information
Enhance your mitigation processes, screen companies and its board members for legal occurrences.
Owner structure
Owners of a company and how much they own. Both companies and/or individual ownership percentage is presented.
Sanctions lists
Control if a person or organisation is on the EU, UN, OFAC, UK or Swiss sanctions list, to prevent and mitigate risk of conducting business with entities that are under restrictions and prohibited to do business with.
Signatories and signing combinations
Information that directly points out who or whom that are legally allowed to sign agreements on behalf of a company.