Our Data
Company case register
Look up a company’s open and previous cases at Bolagsverket. For example, you can check if the company is in the process of replacing their auditor or a board member.

About our services
Get information from the company case register
The company case register provides insights into a business’s legal history, helping organisations assess potential risks, reputational impacts, and compliance issues. Access to this data enhances due diligence, allowing companies to make informed, secure decisions and avoid financial or regulatory liabilities.
In the company case register you are able to see if a company has any open cases at Bolagsverket in Sweden. There is also a possibility to see cases that have been closed, when, and for what reason.
For example, you could use this information to see if the company you are checking is in the process of replacing their auditor or a board member.
Please note that some cases are registered directly by Bolagsverket and are therefore closed before a case is even created. These cases are not being showed in this service.
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