Our Data
Company establishments
Find information about a company’s physical establishments, offices and locations.
Verify delivery addresses for companies with multiple establishments
Enhance your marketing efforts with accurate address information
Pre-populate address information in your customer journeys
Find and verify company establishments
Company establishment data provides insights into the presence of a business across locations. Use it to verify delivery addresses for companies with several establishments, enhance your marketing efforts and pre-populate address information.
Establishments shows a company's workplaces or local units (geographical workplaces). You will receive information about workplace number (CFAR), workplace name, contact information, and postal and delivery address. All from an input of a company id.
The number of Establishments (Local Units, Workplaces) is the number of places where the company conducts business. An active company always has at least one Establishment (Local Unit, Workplace), which means that a company can have several Establishments (Local Units, Workplaces). Establishments (Local Units, Workplaces) refers to any address, property or group of properties where the company conducts business. If the company conducts business at different addresses, it thus has several Establishments (Local Units, Workplaces).
Related resources
Read more about using company establishment data in our user guide.
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Available in Postman
Read more in the API documentation for Company establishments SE and NO.
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