Our Data

Company information

Make smarter decisions with clean and accurate company data.

  1. Make sure you have the right data, at the right time

  2. Automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks

  3. Allow B2B prospects to onboard or checkout swiftly


Collect, verify and monitor business information

Company information provides essential insights into a business’s identity, structure, and status. Access to this data can help create user-friendly customer journeys, and ensure secure, informed decisions and reduce exposure risks.

The service contains current and historical business information such as company name, address, status, number of employees, industry and tax information.

The historical endpoint, means you can see changes that have occurred over time like new addresses, top directors, updated number of employees etc. This is often a good indicator of potential risk in business relations.


Our services will effortlessly integrate with your workflows.



Develop your own custom solutions with integrated data retrieval.


Subscribe to updated information from your chosen data sets.


Web application

Verify and monitor information through an intuitive web interface.

CRM applications

Install a ready-made integration in your Salesforce or Dynamics CRM.

Developer-friendly APIs

Integrate with endless possibilities

Try our free sandbox experience to get started, including:

  1. Docs, guides and support

  2. Test objects for every API

  3. Try-API-feature to see response data and structure

  4. Available in Postman

Read more in the API documentation for Company Information SE, NO, DK, FI and ES.

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