Flyttsmart simplifies your move with the help of APIs
Flyttsmart simplifies the moving process by offering a digital platform that helps users with administrative tasks and provides personalised advice. By utilising Roaring's API for real-time population register data, Flyttsmart enhances its services and improves customer experience. The API enables personalisation, accurate customer data, and streamlined customer service. Flyttsmart values the simplicity and user-friendliness of Roaring's APIs, which contribute to an excellent user experience.
Sebastian Nielsen, VD på Flyttsmart
Moving is often an exciting and fun time. You buy new furniture, plan and decorate, and create a new home. However, there are some aspects of moving that are less exciting, like remembering to cover a new home insurance, sign up for a broadband service or notify your energy supplier.
That’s where Swedish company Flyttsmart comes in. With a smooth digital service users are given control of the administrative parts of moving, as well as advice, directly in the platform and free of charge.
To be able to give an as relevant and personalised experience as possible, information about each unique user is required.
– Most people have probably experienced the time and effort it takes to move, and how many different things you need to be aware of. That’s why we launched Flyttsmart as a support for that process. Says Sebastian Nielsen, CEO at Flyttsmart and continues.
– The more we know about each individual user, their current and future housing, and our suppliers - the more relevant and value-creating our offering and services can be. For that reason, we needed to have access to data in real-time, which in turn required a partner that could offer us quality and accessibility.
Roarings API solution for population register data became the obvious choice for Flyttsmart.
When a user registers and signs in with their BankID (national e-ID service), real-time data such as the user's previous and current address, name, SSN etc. is collected and verified automatically.
The process enables an increased degree of personalisation, as well as providing the organisation with a cohesive customer view based on accurate data.
– Roarings services help us stay relevant and close to anyone who’s moving, says Sebastian.
– Besides enabling relevant offers in our platform, the API has tremendously helped facilitate our customer service function. Our representatives now have access to all the details and information they need to provide our customers with tailored advice and guidance throughout the moving process.
Focusing on simplicity and user experience has been the key for Flyttsmart, something that Pontus Dreij, CTO, addresses to summarise.
– With Roaring we can easily get a hold of the data we need to give our users an awesome experience. The APIs are also well documented, making the development process smooth and hassle-free from a technical perspective.
Flyttsmart is a free digital service that has been used by more than 26.000 people since launching in 2020. Their services help users get control, help and advice on everything a move entails.
From booking cleaning services, to notifying your electricity company, signing up for a broadband service or making a move notification to the Tax Agency.